
Text neck: Is your smartphone causing pain?

Our bodies weren't designed to spend all day looking down at a screen.

Oct 2018

Our bodies weren't designed to spend all day looking down at a screen. Yet that’s exactly what many of us do with our frequent use of handheld devices. Research suggests that people spend an average of five hours a day looking at their phones. And while the younger generation are arguably the worst offenders, it’s a modern malady that is affecting all ages.

At The Urban Physio we’ve had many people presenting with this problem, which can lead to serious neck and back pain, and even longer-term damage. Because it’s so prevalent (and as there is no traditional Latin name for it!), it even has its own buzzword - ‘text neck’ or ‘ihunch’.

What are the symptoms of text neck?

  • Instant upper back or neck pain when using a handheld device.
  • Nagging or sharp pain in the neck or shoulders at the end of the day.
  • General shoulder pain and tightness.
  • Intermittent or constant headache made worse when looking down or using the computer.
  • Pins and needles or numbness down one or both arms.